18th Century Life - Come Join us!

18th Century Life is a group of friends who share a passion for the 18th century. Based in Arizona since 2004. Our members portay personas from various countries such as France, England, Scottland, Spain, and Colonial America ranging from civilians to soldiers to aristocrats. We welcome anyone who is interested in joining us in our fun and educational endeavors. If you have a passion for the 18th century and are thinking of participating in any of the events we are a part of, please contact us via email at dj18thcentury@yahoo.com All we ask is that you be respectful and considerate. You do not have to be a history major or dedicate your very being and essence. After all this is a hobby. We can tell you what it takes to get started and what you will need to know before getting involved. -Your humble servant, Le Compte-

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The royal treatment....also known as "wow I want ice cream!"

This is a funny commercial with some great costumes.



  1. Hi! You dropped by the Great Basin Costume Society's blog, and thanks for the information! I wanted to let you know that I also run an 18th c costume blog called "American Duchess." Here is the link: http://americanduchess.blogspot.com

    I hope you find it useful, or at least entertaining, haha. I will add you to my blogroll. It's always great to see new 18th c resources on the web :-)

  2. Sorry mate, off topic I know, but would it be possible for you to add the buttons on your blog for sharing to other blogs, Twitter & Google. It would make it so much easier for me to share your blog posts & get your name out there.
    Sincere regards, Keith.
